Thursday, February 25, 2010

Refugee #1 - AZ0859U265HD

 (I know this post is horribly screwed up so pardon me.)

Season 14 Of South Park begins in about two months from now. You may be thinking that I am completely out of my mind, being a fan of such a "morally repulsive" show. However, there is more to South Park than just MA-rated jokes. So before we start bullsh*tting each other on the C-Box which should be on your right, let me cut to the chase.

There is a reason each episode is made in 6 days. That includes brainstorming, scriptwriting, voicing, animation and having the staff bicker at each other over which texture to use for the curry Cartman made of the bones and meat of a 9th grader's parents. Sounds very rushed, yes. But this makes for quick response time. For example, as the 2008 elections were coming up, the crew decided to make an episode out of it. After Obama was declared the winner, a few final tweaks and barely 22 hours after Obama's victory speech, Episode 1212 - About Last Night premiered on the East Coast. And you've got to admit, it is one of the greatest episodes I've seen in a long time.

And before you accuse the creators of South Park, Trey Parker and Matt Stone, of spreading false rumors about Obama, McCain, Palin and whoever was featured in the episode and making pornography freely available to the masses, let me get two things straight:

1. Nobody is spared in South Park. About Last Night is called political satire. None of this is supposed to be taken for real. Also, whether you're 85 seconds or 85 years old, drawing billions or hundreds of dollars a year, fat or thin, white, black, gay, straight, communist, capitalist, conservative, liberal, Canadian, Mexican, Chinese, Christian, Muslim, Mormon or whatever, you are not safe. So just laugh it off.

2. This is an animated show. And it's not even done with rotoscoping. Try making pornography with scissors, glue and construction paper. Tough, right?

If you've watched About Last Night, you will notice that the show presented some facts you may have overlooked. Did you notice the unusually brutal campaign and the resulting media coverage until you watched the show? New perspectives can be seen and these new perspectives may help you (how you want them to help is up to you). Current events are also touched upon - heavily. Like the Jonas Brothers concert that bombed at the box office in The Ring (1301), the Terri Schiavo case in Best Friends Forever (0904) and stem-cell research in Kenny Dies (0513).

I would like to touch upon the latter episode. Personally I'm in favor of stem-cell research, so this may be a bit biased, but to the opponents of stem-cell research, this research will benefit you in the long run. Why do we eat meat? To get adequate nutrition. If something can further improve your health without killing you, why not? Opponents of stem-cell research will say this method of research is cruel. Not as cruel as the million of animals slaughtered every year to meet our demands.

However, us proponents of stem-cell research must also be aware that there are people who take offence to thus form of research. Try not to piss them off too much.

Well, I've survived my first post.

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