Friday, June 25, 2010

OC#1: To Catch A Predator. Location: The Interwebs

Picture related.

I hate to turn to such a political topic, but yes, it is a very serious topic. Thus, I shall be  engaging in self-censorship as I write this post.


"To Catch A Predator" is a start, a wonderful start towards the protection of childrens' rights. You, the honorable Chris Hansen, have saved thousands of minors from persecution. On behalf of the millions of minors on this planet, I would like to sincerely thank you for the effort you have put in to safeguard the future of mankind, although, as we all know, no amount of gratitude is sufficient to reciprocate this wonderful act you have bestowed upon us.

However, sadly, it is not enough. CP (there! I did follow through with my promise, right?! I said CP in place of [CP]! In your face, bitchaz!) is still rampant, and I know why - it's the children themselves!

Normally I'm a pretty liberal person. I don't understand why graffiti is taken so seriously, am for alternative energy, see nukes as a possible, but last-resort, weapon, and thinks sex, of any orientation, should be FFA WITH CONSENT.
This, however, tripped it.

I now know why 4chan's /b/ board has that "age-restriction" thing. (Oh crap, broke rules 1 & 2 again.) It's not because of the rampant distribution of Playboy centerfolds, but rather, to safeguard us fellow (and hopefully with some common sense) minors from emotional trauma upon finding out some minor is selling giving herself free online, clueless as to the possible implications.

Here's the proof! (It's CENSORED, for fuck's sake!)

Crap. Text is not visible.

Never mind, just cut up the original image and post it in four parts...

(And in case you were wondering, the black "MORALLY OBJECTIONABLE MATERIAL" boxes are superimposed by ME, and not user-generated content. I do not intend to get busted for all the wrong reasons, and I don't want to turn all of you into lusty pedobears and begin stalking kids, paring them and then spreading some bullshit message about child protection, dipshit.)

(And neither should you. Some links are visible, but I have embedded a stock line of code in the post itself that will track the IPs of anyone who goes to any of these sites, as well as this blog. I will know, pedobears.)

(The only reason I intend to make this visible is to expose the blatant abuse of the interwebs, not to give people free links. I do not want to encourage suppression of media for other reasons, so I shall not do it here.)

Pedobears take note: At last check, this thread, along with all images, and the streaming link included (some live-stream thing) have 404'd. 
Tough. I still have evidence.

There were 2 threads on this topic initially, but one 404'd before I got a screenshot. However, I managed to salvage an image from the thread.  (And NO, I DID NOT TAKE THE GOD-DAMNED IMAGE, SO STOP BLASTING ME WITH FUCKING ACCUSATIONS OF POSSESSION AND DISTRIBUTION OF [CP]! AS I WILL MENTION, THIS DOES NOT FIT THE MOLD OF WHAT IS CONSIDERED [CP], SO DON'T JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS.)

Have a look. How old do you think the girl is? Eight, nine? Probably a third-grader, perhaps?

(I suck at identifying age, but it certainly looks under-10.)

This is the problem. Sex ed classes, by school policy, start in fifth grade. This kid almost certainly did not get the message. Several 5:04 comments, well... encourage [CP], and the girl is blindly complying with what I can only say comes very close to - no, IS - Secret-Stash material. (This post was meant for the main body.) Fingers in a bodily orifice... this sounds highly suggestive, and you can see from the image the child has no idea what it was supposed to mean; she carries on with a ditzy expression and that "thousand-mile stare" look.

(I'm being liberal here and assuming the choice of finger has nothing to do with the topic. Flipping your partner off during passionate sex is NOT recommended.)

Even though her UStream account has long 404'd (i.e. stopped broadcasting - the page's still there) I salvaged some comments around the time it went down. She was off air and there was a huge backlog of comments.

Some names have been highlighted; accorduing to some guy on Youtube, these were the supposed pedobears.

6:33 Jakey_19: actually im from /c/ and /w/
6:33 maya258: why did you go to /b/?
6:33 RockerDudeLe: HAS ANYONE FOUND HER?
6:33 moralhighground: I read the link, and now I'm on here, to try to protect someone from /b/
6:33 shiftkun: from /fa/ and /r9k/ lol
6:33 rprlvin: cancer is slowly creeping
6:33 thegrapistx1: its a raid
6:33 Jakey_19: friend linked me
6:33 moralhighground: she is just a kid
3:33 DatBass: Aww, look at the little superhero
3:33 orangeapplepear: she never got naked
3:33 DatBass: off
3:33 Jakey_19: I never went to /b/
3:33 orangeapplepear: she never did anything sexual
3:33 shiftkun: I thought she was just being cte though :o
3:33 orangeapplepear: she never did anythign wrong
3:34 thegrapistx1: in other words somehow we got link up into her
3:34 anon57686: this isn't hurting her in any way
3:34 bulbasauur: Yeah, she did.
3:34 thegrapistx1: from 4chan
3:34 orangeapplepear: no she didnt.
3:34 thewhat54: moralfags
3:34 thewhat54: go die
3:34 thewhat54: niggots
3:34 leg4444: so new channel
3:34 Jakey_19: lol
3:34 lolercon: Immoralfags
3:34 DatBass: >niggots
3:34 DatBass: lmao
3:34 lolercon: go die
3:34 lolercon:
3:34 thegrapistx1: u mad?
3:34 bulbasauur: How is her sucking her fingers for your enjoyment not sexual?
3:34 Tony3645: she lifted up her shirt and exposed herself
3:34 pubfun: how about we all just go to stickam and ?
3:34 xPHRESHPRINCEx: i regret the day i went to /b/ my mind will never recover *violin* :'(
3:34 moralhighground: I know she didn't do anything wrong. She was trying to be good.
3:34 bulbasauur: Or showing her legs.
3:34 lolercon: nah brah
3:34 pubfun: (4chan)
3:34 thegrapistx1: HATERS GUNNA HATE
3:34 orangeapplepear: she showed legs for one of her youtube fans
3:34 moralhighground: Stop trying to corrupt a kid and then act like it's all a game
3:34 anon57686: wait, so you're saying wearing shorts is sexual?
3:34 xPHRESHPRINCEx: whos mad
3:34 DatBass: I lick my lips in ectsasy
3:34 DatBass: making me so hot
3:35 shiftkun: dude...
3:35 orangeapplepear: wow.
3:35 anonn57686: f
3:35 pubfun: moral is a
3:35 thegrapistx1: its a question
3:35 orangeapplepear: lets read into things?
3:35 Troy2312: u mad?
3:35 lolercon: Pedos gonna pedo
3:35 thewhat54: why the are we discussing this
3:35 orangeapplepear: make everything sexual?
3:35 teh_white_knight: did you guys get abused as children?
3:35 thegrapistx1: why u mad though?
3:35 Jakey_19: bulbasauur....ur never gonna get your point across to them
3:35 thewhat54: if there's nothing to fap to
3:35 anonn57686: I did yes.
3:35 thewhat54: upload some videos
3:35 bulbasauur: Clearly.
3:35 rprlvin: ¢
3:35 Scarekrow: parents gonna be irresponsible
3:35 RockerDudeLe: she was just trying to talk with us guys please she is what, 8 years old she just wanted attention and maybe some friwnds :(
3:35 Jakey_19: so why bother
3:35 bulbasauur: But, like I said.
3:35 bulbasauur: Social Worker.
3:35 Jakey_19: oh
3:35 pubfun: SHOE ON HEAD!
3:35 bulbasauur: I feel obligated.
3:35 anon57686: you should be fired
3:35 Jakey_19: oh righto then
3:35 moralhighground: I do too
3:35 anon57686: and then shot
3:35 orangeapplepear: bulbasaur you just got here
3:35 orangeapplepear: you dont have any word
3:35 anonn57686: You should feel like a peice of  
3:35 lolercon: Most people do bulbasaur
3:35 RockerDudeLe: she was just trying to talk with us guys please she is what, 8 years old she just wanted attention and maybe some friwnds :(
3:35 thegrapistx1: i never got shoe on head
3:35 DatBass: I ficked my babysitter when I was 4
3:35 DatBass: and now I fap when I think aobu tit
3:35 Troy2312: lol
3:35 thegrapistx1: cool story bro
3:36 Jakey_19: lol
3:36 anonn57686: lmao
3:36 Tony3645: she did put her shoe on head
3:36 thewhat54: nice name you gave ur hand
3:36 thegrapistx1: then whers screencap?
3:36 DatBass: true story, bro
3:36 Tony3645: Way in the begginning, along with her lifting up her shirt
3:36 xPHRESHPRINCEx: karma sortof caught up to hitler it cant happen to me tho right
3:36 lolhime: anyone have vids?
3:36 Owned4Chan: with an 8 yr old
3:36 Troy2312: Epis saga, luke
3:36 anon57686: there was a cap of shoe on head in the thread
3:36 Owned4Chan: what a new low
3:36 Troy2312: Epic saga, Luke
3:36 DatBass: she has a youtube
3:36 teh_white_knight: no you will die horribly within the month gaurenteed 
3:36 Owned4Chan: you need a girlfriend
3:36 DatBass: if anyone wants
------------ Break. I was AFK. ------------
3:39 teh_white_knight: cp lovers = guys who are too insecure for real mature women
3:39 anon57686: oh no not my ip
3:39 lolhime: what is clamtxt
3:40 lolercon: 4chan logs ip's
3:40 anonomush: SHES BAKKK clamtxt. com/?r=5652
3:40 anon57686: i'll get vanned for watching a stream
3:40 Owned4Chan: apparently you dont understand what an ip is
3:40 orangeapplepear: shes not clam
3:40 orangeapplepear: shes on ustream
3:40 donkeypunch4: ok sickos, take it to zerochan cake and go away
3:40 rprlvin: teh_white_knight = guy who wont stfu
3:40 Jakey_19: lol
3:40 Jakey_19: no
3:40 Jakey_19: dont kill him
3:40 Troy2312: mother of god
3:40 lolhime: WE KILL OPRAH! 
3:40 lolercon: OPRAH
3:40 Dduke: fukn lol'd, guys
3:40 lolercon: KILL OPRAH
3:40 RockerDudeLe: yeah oprah
3:40 xPHRESHPRINCEx: at the end of the day your words went thru one ear and out my
3:40 teh_white_knight: rplvin = who needs to get laid
3:40 Jakey_19: god dont have a mother
3:40 Troy2312: o rly?
3:40 RockerDudeLe: shes a bit ch
3:41 rprlvin: lol kid nice comeback
3:41 lolercon: Zach is the new King
3:41 lolercon: He shall replace Oprah
3:41 teh_white_knight: why else would you fap to 8 year olds?
3:41 rprlvin: white knights, white knights everywhere
3:41 xPHRESHPRINCEx: internet tough guy is tough
3:41 lolhime: for the lulz obviously 
3:41 rprlvin: < didnt fat
3:41 soombie: o.o
3:41 rprlvin: fap
3:41 donkeypunch4: ZEROCHAN
3:41 Dduke: i sure as hell didnt fat
3:41 DatBass: ZEROCHAN?
3:42 teh_white_knight: ever have a real women? ... do we need to have a talk ? spill it out buddy /b/ is listening
3:42 DatBass: IS THERE SEA PEE?
3:42 lolhime: why are you here in the first place white knight?
3:42 lolercon: Cerbal pasly ?
3:42 rprlvin: well one time i did it with a mature woman but i forgot her name white knight whats your moms first name again?
3:42 a122165: so is there a new page or not?
3:42 DatBass: white nights actually want cp
3:42 DatBass: they're just giganticfaggots
3:42 orangeapplepear: new page, yes.
3:42 lolercon: CP here
3:42 orangeapplepear: sharing it with you guys? no.
3:42 anon57686: lol
3:42 teh_white_knight: good one ... mom jokes are great 
3:42 xPHRESHPRINCEx: whiteknight CAME from /b/ pun most def intended
3:43 a122165: obvious troll is obvious
3:43 lolercon: only say pun intended
3:43 rprlvin: sneaky troll is sneaky
3:44 RockerDudeLe: is she live yet?
3:44 xPHRESHPRINCEx: pun intented
3:44 Dduke: no
3:44 orangeapplepear: shes not live tho, it wont let her enable her cam.
3:44 RockerDudeLe: that... sucks
3:44 orangeapplepear: bye
3:44 RockerDudeLe: but she is on the chat
3:44 lolercon: chat where
3:44 a122165: shes not on this chat
3:44 xPHRESHPRINCEx: punintendedpunintendedpunintendedpunintendedpunintendedpunintendedpunintendedpunintendedpunintendedpunintendedpunintendedpunintendedpunintendedpunintendedpunintendedpunintendedpunintendedpunintendedpu
3:44 RockerDudeLe: yes
3:45 a122165: uhh no
3:45 lolercon: Bad troll is bad
3:45 RockerDudeLe: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3:45 anon57686: oh hey found her
3:45 DatBass: I can't find her on clam text
3:45 CaptainCaramba: Cherry, are you there ?
3:45 lolercon: Now this is a story
3:45 a122165: i am following her, it would show her name in the user list if she was on
3:45 RockerDudeLe: YES IM HERE
3:45 lolercon: All about how
3:45 DatBass: all bout now
3:45 RockerDudeLe: shes obviously not
3:45 xPHRESHPRINCEx: my life got flipped turned upside down
3:45 DatBass: TOO LATE
3:45 Dduke:  
3:45 lolercon: my life got flipped down upside down
3:46 xPHRESHPRINCEx: :=====D------:'(
3:46 RockerDudeLe: yeah im sure you are into mthat type of things DATBASS
3:46 RockerDudeLe:
3:46 Dduke: "flipped down upside down" wat
3:46 lolercon: and i'd liek to take a minute
3:46 lolhime: missoohlalaa
3:46 lolhime: troll her
3:46 lolercon: I know it was wrong kik
3:46 lolercon: lol
3:46 rprlvin: quick poll
3:46 rprlvin: if your 50
3:46 rprlvin: would you a 20 year old?
3:47 lolercon: I'm over 900 cycles old
3:47 lolercon: 9000
3:47 RockerDudeLe: yes
3:47 RockerDudeLe: if shes hot
3:47 rprlvin: im over 9000 whats your point?
3:47 xPHRESHPRINCEx: cake is non-existent im out gl on the cp hunt and keep gobbling balls moralfaggewts
3:47 teh_white_knight: 20 old has matured /thread
3:47 lolercon: Feels good bra
3:48 rprlvin: umadbro?
3:48 SuperHerpes: .  /channel/adrianna-emily
3:48 DatBass: stop
3:48 DatBass: that's not her
3:48 DatBass: u liar
3:48 RockerDudeLe: where is she??????????????
3:48 Jakey_19: trolllllll
3:48 DatBass: i require loli nourishment
3:49 Jakey_19: idfk -_-
3:49 Tony3645: dude what was her email
3:49 RockerDudeLe:   Heart Attacks...God's Revenge for Eating His Animal Friends  lol
3:49 donkeypunch4: ?
3:50 anon57686: obvious troll etc
3:50 RockerDudeLe: -.-
3:50 donkeypunch4: cake is real, zerochan org
3:50 DatBass: i'm going flaccid
3:50 teh_white_knight: she went to bed... i flagged her other channal .. her cam isnt working now so we should all just crawl back to /b/ and do something productive like how we helped zach out
3:50 DatBass: i may just settle for standard cp
3:50 DatBass: sigh
3:50 anon57686: yeah, i totally believe you helped with that
3:50 rprlvin: lol shall i start a thread going that will be 404d in less than 5 mins?
3:50 Jakey_19: DatBass...really no-one wants to know about ur alright
3:50 RockerDudeLe: well i think thats it guys

I had no part in this conversation whatsoever.

One day later, more comments.

7:36 RockerDudeLe: idk man but thats gross
7:37 Dduke: Hah, 404.
7:37 RockerDudeLe: lol about time
7:37 Dduke: Mods failing.
7:42 RockerDudeLe: man im outta here
7:42 RockerDudeLe: its 5:42 for me
7:43 RockerDudeLe: peace man ill be here tommorow or today lol
8:19 a122165: wow there are still people in here?
8:19 a122165: did she ever make a new account?
6:40 angelo1991: was this that 8 year old girl?

Check back for updates on the situation. This is a rather shocking case and I'm tracking it.

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